School Improvement Planning

Northleigh CE Primary School Improvement Plan 2020 to 2021


The Overarching aims of our School Improvement Plan: 

  • To develop resilient and independent learners who are engaged with their learning, make great progress and achieve. 

  • To develop confident individuals who are able to thrive and develop a curiosity for learning and life. 

  • To develop responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to the school, Malvern and wider society. 


Priority 1: Quality of Education 

Implement a curriculum plan to support school and staff recovery following Covid 19 lockdown


Priority 2a: Quality of Teaching and Learning - Intent  

To develop the progress of pupils through consistent high quality Teaching and Learning across all year groups of the school. 


Priority 2b: Quality of Teaching and Learning - Implementation   

Provision for all children, including the disadvantaged and SEND, enables them to make better than expected progress. 


Priority 2c: Quality of Teaching and Learning -  Impact   

In all subjects and all phases, increase the proportion of children consistently demonstrating that they are working at greater depth within the expected standard. 


Priority 3: Behaviour and attitudes 

Introduce and embed a clear vision for Northleigh CE Primary which has learning (including behaviour for learning) and personal development at its heart. 


Priority 4: Personal development 

To introduce an approach to personal development, relationshps and RE education which reflects the requirements of the school community, the Church and British society. 


Priority 5: Leadership and management 

Increase the impact of School leaders on the direction and outcomes of the school.


Priority 6: Early Years Foundation Stage  

To adjust the curriculum to develop learning skills aligned to the school vision – curiosity, resilience, confidence and engagement.