School Nurse
Malvern, Prospect View Health Centre, WR14 2GP: 01684 612784
We have Six teams that cover the County of Worcestershire (Worcester City, Redditch, Bromsgrove, Wyre Forest, Wychavon includes Droitwich and Malvern). We are either based in health centres or GP surgeries. Some staff work within the school holidays and others work term time only, however we try to provide cover throughout the year to enable us to continue with Safeguarding Children, clinics, health assessments and home visits.
As a service we organise a variety of support for Children and Young People with additional multiple needs. We provide support and guidance to schools regarding public health issues, brief interventions and health promotion such as smoking, emotional health and well-being needs. We influence and champion health promoting activities and programmes both in and out of school and work closely with other professionals and local communities.
We provide a wide range of services to meet the needs of Children, Young People and their families. These include (but are not limited to):
- National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
- Hearing Screening
- Home Visits
- Time4U drop in service
- Enuresis and Bladder Training
- Health needs assessments
We run a series of education and training sessions on topics including
- Healthy Eating
- Substance Misuse (e.g. alcohol, drugs, smoking)
- Dental Hygiene
- Puberty/ Sexual Health
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- Accident Prevention
School Health Nurses can also signpost to other services that may be of use to you:
- Health Visitors
- GP's
- Parenting Support and Targeted Family Support
- Sexual Health and Education
- CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- Asthma nurses
We are Specialist Public Health Nurses who deliver the universal elements of the Healthy Child Programme (HCP) to all children and young people aged 5-19 and ensure that they and their families get early help and support when they need it. In 2012 The Department of Health, Department of Education and key stakeholders created a new model and vision for our service called 'Getting it right for children, young people and families' (March 2012) which we follow in addition to the Healthy Child Programme. This new vision includes the following key aspects of our service:
- Improved health outcomes for Children, Young People and Families
- Improved partnership working between School Health Nurses, Schools and Parenting Support
- Quality Improvements in the School Health Nursing Service
A commitment to create a strengthened, rejuvenated workforce
What do we do?
School Health Nurses provide opportunities for children and young people in secondary schools and Pupil referral Units to access confidential advice and support via a weekly nurse led Time 4 U clinic. This can include health concerns.
such as emotional worries and stress to alcohol and drug dependency. The School Health Nurse is able to provide sexual health advice which includes, emergency contraception, condom supply, pregnancy testing, and signposting to other agencies.
Additionally, School Health Nurses work with young people who may have issues such as weight concerns mental and emotional health, accident prevention; attendance at A&E, domestic violence concerns, substance misuse. Theafeguarding of children and young people is paramount. They also provide Enuresis and bladder training (bedwetting) advice.
The Health Care Support Workers weigh and measure all reception and year 6 children on an annual basis and each parent receives the results and a contact number, if they wish to discuss their child’s results with the School Health Nurse.
Certain children within school are prescribed auto injectors due to having had a severe allergic reaction. The School Health Nurses train the teaching staff on an annual basis on how to administer auto injectors when required.
Children in the Looked After system are seen annually to undertake a health assessment and the Specialist Looked After Children’s Team will follow up any issues/ problems they may have between the ages of 5 and 18
Safeguarding and Children in Need make up a large percentage of our workload. This involves attending case conferences, core groups, other relevant meetings, undertaking health assessments and working very closely with the children, young people and their families. We work hard to make sure that this does not reduce the amount of time we spend with other children, young people and families who may need our help and/or support.
How can a professional refer a child or parent?
Any professional who works with children can refer to the service either by phone call using the numbers above.
How can a parent refer?
We accept direct referrals into the service from parents either by phone, direct contact or via education staff.
How can a young person refer themselves?
Yes, the young person can refer into the service either by making an appointment/ visiting the Time 4 u Drop in, which most secondary schools have or by phoning the school health nurse direct. Chat health…..
Where can I see the School Health Nurse?
They are available within schools at varying times and the School will always have a contact number. Parents can see them at chool via prior arrangement within the school term or within their home. At secondary Schools the Children and Young People can either arrange to see the School Health Nurse via an appointment system or Drop in to the Time 4 U. These are held weekly for up to three hours .
Who works in the School Health Nursing service?
The School Health Service is mainly made up of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses, Community Staff Nurses who have a variety of skills, academic qualifications and expertise within varying areas such as sexual health, Children’s health, mental health, health promotion and teaching. We have Health Care Support workers with a range of training and skills working with children, young people and parents, alongside the School Health Nurses on a day to day basis.
There are also administration staff within clinics who also have a range of skills and expertise within the administration field.
Who do we work with?
We work in partnership with schools and other key professionals to develop and implement a robust Child and Young Person identification, support and monitoring system, which is activated at school entry and at key points of transition. This system will include the following elements:
A welcome pack outlining School Health services will be sent out in Reception, during transitions to Middle and High Schools and where pupils are a new entry into a school.
Worcestershire School Health Nurses work closely with Children’s Social Care to ensure that all Children and Young People within our area are safe and cared for; as well as the Integrated Safeguarding Team in Worcestershire.
If you have any concerns about a particular child or young person and feel that they may be in need of protection or safeguarding members of the public should contact the Family Front Door on 01905 822666. They are available Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.00pm and Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Phone: 01905 822666
Website: Worcestershire Gov Website